Life Lessons from Sharks

Oftentimes as humans, we think we have it all figured out. In many ways, we see ourselves as the top of the food chain because of the tools and technology we’ve created to survive in diverse environments and enhance our daily lives. But is there something to be learned from the creatures who have navigated this planet far before we even came into existence?

Ocean Ramsey thinks so, and in her latest book “My Shark Teachers”, she explores the valuable life lessons she has learned from her time closely studying the species and how we can use them to better our own communities.

Ocean is shark behaviorist, conservationist, surfer, and free diver from Hawaii. She proudly devotes her life to shark and marine conservation, and much of the unique insights in her book comes from over 20 years of research and working with sharks. She hopes to inspire and educate her readers on how to safely coexist with sharks.

Ocean also founded and operates One Ocean, a non-profit organization working to fund marine research and conservation. Based on Oahu’s North Shore, One Ocean leads educational diving and snorkeling trips with sharks to further its mission. It’s an incredible experience for those looking to learn more about marine life and ocean preservation.

You can find “My Shark Teachers” in store at Nalu Health Bar’s Haleiwa location!

All proceeds from the sale of Ocean’s book are donated to One Ocean Conservation and Save the Sea Turtles International Nonprofit.

Chris Pfisterer